Category Archives: Exercise

Weight Loss Success on a Modified Weight Watcher Exchange System

Finally, I have a weight loss success story!! As of two days ago, I am 5 pounds lighter. It feels great. My husband is losing as well!! I decided a while ago to go back to the old Weight Watcher exchange system with some modifications. It is working very well for me. I find this to be more structured which is obviously what I needed. This is the first real success I have had in a few years. My husband and I are on our second week of the program, and it is going very well for both of us. Hubby also lost 5 pounds.

We have been eating loads of vegetables and fruits. We have cut down considerably on breads, pastas, eggs, and starchy vegetables. I have not had any sweets in almost two weeks. This is from a girl that was eating a couple of English muffins a day and at least 2 small bags of m&ms or any type of chocolate I could get my hands on. We have stopped ordering take out food. We were also walking about 2 miles every evening, but of course I injured my foot when cleaning house, so presently I am not able to walk for long periods. Hopefully, we will be able to get out and walk this weekend. Last weekend we went to the Holden Arboretum to take photographs. We got quite a bit of exercise walking the trails and will probably go back this coming weekend to take more photographs and of course for more exercise. I will post some of the pictures later tonight.

I think my weight loss success this time is due to the support of my husband. Having a partner to go along on this weight loss journey with me has made a big difference. After many attempts at losing weight over the last few years, I am confident I will succeed this time.

Day 1 Exercise

I am proud to say that I walked 1.5 miles last evening and it felt great. We would have went further, but I ended up with blisters on my heels. Seems like there is always a negative for every positive. This is okay in chemistry, but not for weight loss. I’ll put band aids on my heels and get out there again tonight. I would love to go now, but I have a full day ahead of me. I have been feeling very tired lately, and of course that is my excuse for not exercising. The reason I am feeling sluggish is because I do not get enough exercise. Walking is my exercise of choice. I am hoping to build up to 3 miles in the next couple of weeks. I used to walk 8 miles a day–4 miles in the morning and 4 in the evening. It has been too many years since I have been on a walking schedule. I hope that I keep it up this time. Of course, there are always the usual excuses
1. It is too cold outside
2. It is raining outside
3. I am too busy
4. It is dark outside
5. And about 100 more

I am going to look into some walking videos. I have some stashed away in the attic. My sister introduced them to me several years ago. I did not think I would like the videos, but they were actually fun, and you could get through 3 or 4 miles in about 45 minutes. I will post a link to them if I find them. I am going to have my hair cut today. Hopefully, it will make me feel a bit better about myself. I have been feeling very frumpy lately. I think I am going to succeed with my weight loss this time. I am still piecing together the old WW exchange system. I went off track yesterday, but today is another day.