How Do I Plan to Lose Weight?

Not dining out as much, eating a variety of fresh foods, and putting my knowledge of cooking and calorie counting to work. Let’s face it, taking in more calories than what are burned means weight gain. It is really very simple, but oh so difficult. I checked out the nutritional information for one of my favorite vegetarian sandwiches. I was shocked to see the sandwich was 800 calories with over 46 grams of fat. Wow!!! One of the reasons I have put on the weight is because, yes we dine out often. I was with my husband for about a year before we got married, and we dined out 4 to 5 nights a week. I was careful about what and more importantly how much I ate. I still cooked some meals at home, but when we did go out we would share a sandwich, appetizer, or an entree. Once I started ordering my own entrees with appetizers, the weight started to creep on. I am now post menopausal and find it very difficult to lose weight. I get very discouraged after watching what I eat for a few days and not seeing any difference on the scale. Before menopause, the pounds would just melt off. I have to stop procrastinating. It is so easy to say I will start this tomorrow. Well, it has been almost three years and I have continued to gain because I put it off until tomorrow. My hair stylist reminded me of the time I told her that I needed to lose about 20 pounds. She was amazed when two months later I walked in 20 pounds lighter. That got me to thinking that I can do it again. Willpower and perserverance are key. So tonight when I get that craving for ice-cream (I actually crave it now), I will instead eat fruit. Yes, I am ready!!
Goals for this week.
1. Preapare lunches instead of picking up fast food.
2. Use my measuring cups and spoons.
3. No nightly ice-cream breaks.
4. Prepare dinner instead of going out for dinner.
5. Walk at least 20 minutes each day

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